Annual Members Meeting & Board of Directors Meeting – March 5, 2009

Posted in Governance on March 12th, 2009 by Nevada Chess

Minutes of the Annual Members Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting held March 5, 2009
University Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada

The annual meeting of Nevada Chess, Inc. was held at 7 pm on March 5, 2009 in the first-floor lobby of the UMC Doctor’s Building. (Original arrangements in the 6th floor conference room were cancelled by UMC due to previous commitments.)

The attendees, President Allen Magruder, Directors Charles Hatherill and Charles McCoy, Secretary Gordon Barrett, and Election Chairman John Trivett, were seated at a circular table with hard benches.

The comforts we enjoy are not like the anchor in the bottom of the sea, that holds fast in a storm, but like the flag upon the top of the mast, that turns with every wind.” Quote from C. Love.

Magruder opened the meeting by distributing a copy of the financial report for the period, 4/13/2008 to 3/5/2009, including an Itemized Categories Report and a Transaction Report. Total Income for this period was $622.00; total expenses were $750.43; balance at beginning of period was $2723.28; and balance at end of period was $2594.85.

The meeting continued with a description by Magruder of the informal arrangement made with J. Weikel many years ago regarding Northern Nevada voluntary support of the state affiliate, Nevada Chess, Inc. The undocumented agreement then was essentially that the Reno Club would make a contribution of $200 during the Tonopah events in the fall, and that would include membership in the state affiliate for each of the Northern Nevada attendees, though membership of any attendee was also not a documented requirement. Perhaps not coincidentally, the Nevada State Championship Match awards to the champion and runner-up were $200 total then, and have continued at that same level since. The Reno Club faithfully honored their contribution commitment, if not always during the Tonopah events, but usually shortly thereafter, and the rolls of Nevada Chess, Inc. members were also dutifully augmented with the names of the Northern Nevada attendees. That happened until this past year, when due to some Reno Club problems, their contribution has not yet been received, and Tonopah attendees have consequently not been assigned automatic memberships in Nevada Chess, Inc.

By the streets of ‘bye and bye’ one arrives at the house of ‘never.” Quote from Cervantes’ Don Quixote.

Magruder next made the following proposal.


In recognition and appreciation of the effort and expense involved in participating in the Nevada Chess, Inc. sponsored annual state championship and team events, usually held in Tonopah, Nevada, in the fall of the year, each participant attendee will receive without cost an annual membership in Nevada Chess, Inc., or an extension of their current membership. This does require participant attendees to provide their correct names, addresses and other contact information for the Nevada Chess Inc. membership rolls.

This proposal was accepted by all directors present, as well as by director M. Filipas in an earlier phone conversation with Magruder.

Contributions to support the official USCF state affiliate, Nevada Chess, Inc., will continue to be entirely voluntary.


Magruder next moved that the directors reaffirm last year’s decision that the state affiliate provide the Denker candidate 50% of the amount returned to the affiliate from the state scholastic tournament, with a minimum provision of $200. This was also approved by all.


Magruder next moved that the directors reaffirm last year’s decision that the organizer of the state scholastic tournament return to the state affiliate $2/player from the proceeds of the tournament. This was also approved by all.


John Trivett, Election Committee Chairman, collected, opened and tallied all ballots before all present, with the following results.

A great day for all three candidates vying (?) for positions. Allen Magruder (6 of 6 approve), Daniel Conver (5 of 6 approve, welcome back) and Craig Christensen (5 of 6 approve) were all elected to 2-yr terms. Congratulations!

Remember, “In great moments, life is unsurpassable.” (Gordan Barrrett)

The meeting was adjourned at about 7.30 pm, and a shining good time was had by all.

How far that little candle (Nevada Chess Inc.) throws his beams! So shines a good deed in this world.” (Shakespeare)

Submitted by Gordon Barrett, Secretary, Nevada Chess Inc. (as edited by A. Magruder)

Board of Directors Meeting – April 12, 2008

Posted in Governance on April 12th, 2008 by Nevada Chess

Board of Directors Meeting, April 12, 2008
Our Lady of Las Vegas School Yard, Las Vegas, Nevada

President Allen P. Magruder called the meeting to order at 3:15 PM.
Directors Present: A. Magruder, C. Hatherill, G. Barrett, C. McVoy

Before addressing the agenda items, Magruder established the agenda for the meeting with those present, as follows: Members Meeting Report; Financial Report; Determine Officers; Determine Support/Contributions for April Bulletin; Determine Support for Denker Candidate; State Scholastic Tournament Report; Club Activities Report.

1. Members Meeting Report
The members meeting was held on March 6th, 2008 during the Thursday evening session of the Clark County Chess Club. Vice President Charles Hatherill presided and Charles McVoy and Gordon Barrett attended. President Magruder was out of town and unable to attend.

The election ballots were assessed and all candidates were approved and elected to two year terms. Gordon Barrett, Milijov Filipas, Charles Hatherill and Charles McVoy will (re)join Allen Magruder, Eric Baugus and Edward Silakowski on the Board of Directors of Nevada Chess, Inc.

No other business was conducted and the meeting was adjourned.

2. Financial Report
Due to illness, Treasurer Eric Baugus was unable to attend. A. Magruder presented the financial report for the period 8/12/2007-4/12/2008 and 3/5/2007-4/12/2008 annual summary. For the former 8-month period, our expenses exceeded our income by $51.32, whereas for the latter 13-month period, our income exceeded our expenses by $117.70. Our current balance is $2723.28, with $2285.65 in the Nevada State Bank account and $437.63 in petty cash account. The 2008 expenses of $93.24 for website service and $40 for USCF affiliate fee are yet to be paid.

Magruder also reported our tax-exempt status as an educational institution has been granted again by the State of Nevada Department of Taxation, now to expire on March 31, 2013.

3. Determine Officers
After a brief discussion, and at least until further notice, the officers remained the same except for the secretary position, where newly elected Gordon Barrett replaces Richard Risley. The officers of Nevada Chess, Inc. for the term 2008-2009, until the 2009 election are: A. Magruder, President; Charles Hatherill, Vice President; Eric Baugus, Treasurer; Gordon Barrett, Secretary.

At this point, Magruder informed C. Hatherill that he is again our Nevada delegate to the USCF delegates convention in Dallas, at the US Open, and Magruder is the alternate, with G. Barrett serving in absence of both.

4. Determine Support/Contributions for April Bulletin
C. Hatherill will provide reports on tournaments held at Our Lady of Las Vegas, on the High School chess competitions, on the Members Meeting, and on the state scholastic tournament arrangements. Gordon Barrett will provide some chess articles and games. Charles McVoy contributed a game from 1981 between Abbey and Gallegos, and an article with an item about a king-size chessboard at the new Las Vegas Corporate Center. Magruder will gather what he can from the Northern Nevada website and contacts, and assemble the bulletin with whatever material he has by the end of next week, April 19th.

5. Determine Support for Denker Candidate and State Scholastic Tournament
After some discussion, and in view of the considerable expense securing the Henderson Convention Center site, Magruder moved to reduce state scholastic tournament return to state affiliate from $3/player to $2/player. This was seconded and approved by all except Hatherill, who abstained because he is principal organizer of the tournament.

After some discussion, Hatherill moved that the state affiliate provide the Denker candidate 50% of the amount returned to the affiliate from the state scholastic tournament, with a minimum provision of $200. This was seconded and approved by all.

6. State Scholastic Tournament Report
Charles Hatherill has scheduled the Nevada State Scholastic Tournament on Saturday, May 3rd, 2008, at the Henderson Convention Center. He has sent announcement of same to 250 schools in Southern Nevada, and will send a copy of that to representatives in Northern Nevada for distribution there. Alan Losoff will be chief TD, C. Hatherill will be responsible for pairings and directing, with assistance from appointed staff.

7. Club Activities Report
Charles McVoy reported that the Dula Center Club will no longer meet on Sunday. He also mentioned that games at the Clark County Chess Club have not been recently rated, and is of concern to many players there. McVoy also contributed an article from Las Vegas Business Press on “art in public places” with the item “When his (Molasky) new corporate center opens nearby on the 61 acres in 2007, it’ll come with some major public art, he says – including a king-size marble chessboard.”

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Annual Members Meeting – March 5, 2007

Posted in Governance on March 5th, 2007 by Nevada Chess

Minutes of the Annual Members Meeting held March 5, 2007
Clark County Chess Club, 2040 W. Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada

President Allen P. Magruder called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

Members present: A. Magruder, J. Trivett, C. McVoy, W. Henry.

1. President’s Remarks

A. Magruder read minutes of last (emergency) meeting of the board of directors regarding arrangements for 2007 State Scholastic Tournament. Magruder reported that Dan Cover scheduled the tournament at the Meadows School, that S. Rosen was emailed for advertising support with no reply/response, that Chris Bird sent postcards advertising the tournament to all junior members in Nevada using mailing list from USCF, and that C. Hatherill was emailed requesting help contacting high school coaches for participation of high school players, with no reply/response so far.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Magruder distributed copies of financial report for period 8/20/2006 to 3/4/2007 to those present and reported on income and expenses: income $566, expenses $414.96, balance on 8/20/2006 $2454.54, balance on 3/4/2007 $2605.58.

3. Other Business

C. McVoy reported that there are no more First Friday Chess events planned so that event may be removed from the bulletin announcements. He also mentioned that the Clark County Chess Club now holds regular sessions on Mondays as well as Thursdays from 6:45 to 10:45 pm.

Magruder collected 2007 memberships of Eric Baugus and William Shannon from J. Trivett, and 2008 membership from Charles McVoy.

4. Election Results

J. Trivett was assisted by W. Henry with opening and tallying the election ballots. Of the nine ballots returned, one was without a signature and not counted, with the following net result:

Dan Conver 8
Allen Magruder 8
Edward Silakowski 6
Eric Baugus 5
Richard Risley 4
Charles McVoy 4

Consequently, Conver, Magruder, Silakowski and Baugus are elected for a two year term, from 2007 to 2009. President Magruder will appoint either Risley or McVoy for a one year term after conferring with the other directors, including C. Hatherill and M. Filipas.

5. Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 PM

Motion made by J. Trivett, seconded by W. Henry, all present approved.

Board of Directors Meeting – August 19, 2006

Posted in Governance on August 19th, 2006 by Nevada Chess

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting, August 19th, 2006
Schoolhouse Chess Center, 3004 Rigel Ave., Las Vegas

The meeting was called to order by President Allen Magruder at 3:04 pm. Directors present were A. Magruder, D. Maynard, R. Risley, D. Conver and E. Silakowski. Guests included Scott Rosen, owner of SHCC; Chad Gauvin, Manager of SHCC; Chris Bird, web site manager; and Charles McVoy of the Las Vegas Chess Club at the Dula Center. Director C. Hatherill was detained, but arrived in time to participate in discussion of organization of the 2007 Nevada State Scholastic Tournament, and arrangements for the Tonopah events at the end of September, 2006.

2007 Nevada State Scholastic Tournament
Scott Rosen and Chad Gauvin of SHCC and Charles Hatherill of Palo Verde HS committed to organizing this tournament and have secured the Henderson Convention Center on Saturday and Sunday, March 3rd and 4th, 2007 (since the meeting this event has been rescheduled for just one day, Saturday, February 17th, 2007) for the two day event. Early entry fee is projected to be $30 at this time, $40 at the door. Scott and Chad have contacts at over 100 public schools, and estimate over 500 entries possible. USCF membership is required for all players, but will be free to all those in K-3rd grades, thanks to a USCF scholastic program. Accommodations will be made for special situations. [1] The organizers will provide trophy awards and medals commensurate with previous state scholastic tournaments. Director Dan Conver moved that the board approve this organization of the 2007 Nevada State Scholastic Tournament. It was seconded by E. Silakowski, and unanimously approved. Website Management
Chris Bird offered to continue to manage our website even after relocating from Las Vegas, as that can be easily done completely with internet communications. That is, as long as those who have additions and/or changes to the website actually make those revisions known to him over the internet. A. Magruder reported that Al Mack of Rebel Chess Club in Las Vegas runs a website for his club and is available to help Chris if needed. We’re grateful to Chris Bird for his continued support.

Tonopah Events, September, 2006
Charles McVoy will represent Southern Nevada in the Nevada State Championship Match, usually held at the Station House Hotel and Casino in Tonopah Nevada at the end of September. The Northern Nevada representative has not been determined at this time.

Charles Hatherill and John Trivett have volunteered to make arrangements with the Station House Hotel for the date and rooms required for the State Championship match, and for the concurrent North vs South Team Match. They will also identify members of the Southern Nevada Team and coordinate the match with the Northern Nevada Team captain. A. Magruder volunteered to email Station House Hotel contact information, and past match conditions to C. Hatherill and J. Trivett.

Financial Report
A. Magruder, asst. treasurer, distributed a financial report for the period 2/4/06 to 8/19/06 to all directors present, in two parts: a Transaction Report, showing “inflows” ($762) and “outflows” (481.38) with initial balance $2173.92, final balance $2454.54; and an Itemized Category report, showing income and expenses by categories. R. Risley moved that the board accept the financial report as read, seconded by E. Silakowski and unanimously approved.

Other Items
1. Affiliate Administration
A. Magruder remarked that sometime in the not too distant future, the board of directors will have to recruit other people to handle administrative tasks of this USCF affiliate, including publishing the quarterly bulletin, keeping track of the affiliate membership, and managing the finances. (My boys should be off to college in the fall of next year, and I expect to be busy chasing after them, and with other “empty nest” activities. Forewarned is forearmed).

2. October Bulletin
Scott Rosen of SHCC volunteered to print and distribute the October 2006 issue of the Nevada Chess Bulletin, upon receipt of the mailing labels for all current adult USCF members in Nevada from A. Magruder. Distribution is expected by mid-October.

3. Chess Park in Downtown Las Vegas
Charles McVoy reported on his efforts to establish a Chess Park in Downtown Las Vegas, at 4th and Lewis, with several concrete chess tables in place for casual games. He and John Trivett have had initial meetings with city council members promoting the Chess Park with encouraging results. He also reported sponsoring chess games as part of the Las Vegas “First Friday Arts Events” in the Arts Factory, 101-109 E. Charleston Ave., on, would you believe, the first Friday of every month. A. Magruder volunteered to include progress reports in the Nevada Chess Bulletin, to support these efforts.

Special Members Meeting – May 31, 2003

Posted in Governance on March 31st, 2003 by Nevada Chess

Minutes of the Meeting Held May 31st, 2003
CCSN Las Vegas, Bldg D, Room 221

The meeting was called to order by President Chris Bird at 3:05 pm.

The only item on the agenda was the Bylaws Proposal that was detailed in the April 2003 Nevada Chess Bulletin. The President asked for votes from those in attendance at the meeting. These votes were then added to the votes from the mail in ballots that were verified by members Chris Bird and Norman Harvey.

The result of the vote was 16 votes in favor, and none against. Therefore, the new Bylaws were adopted.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.

Annual Members Meeting – March 15, 2003

Posted in Governance on March 15th, 2003 by Nevada Chess

Minutes of the Annual Members Meeting, March 15th, 2003
CCSN, Bldg D, Room 219

The meeting was called to order by President Allen Magruder at 2:58 pm.

First, a review of the last members meeting was discussed. This included the application of non-profit status by Nevada Chess and Chris Bird is handling this. Also, the list of Directors to the Nevada Secretary of State was 2 years late and this has been updated, with fines paid.

The Budget was discussed. The budget balance for fiscal 2002 was $1320. For fiscal 2003, for at least the first 9 months, income was $956, while expense totaled about $1375. With this deficit in mind, a motion was raised and seconded to raise the dues to $12 a year for 2004. Greg Niemi proposed an amendment to raise the dues to $15. In the discussion that followed, the member’s dues offset the cost of the bulletin, the State Scholastic pays for the $300 stipend to the Denker candidate and the State Champion’s expense is paid by the gifts received (i.e. Ken Sims and Reno Chess Club). Members were in favor of an increase in the dues, but an informal poll indicated a 50-50 split on whether it should be $12 or $15. A proposal was made that a subcommittee be created to analyze both increases and advise on which increase should take effect in 2004. A further motion was made that the Denker contribution be standardized at 50% of the Nevada Chess income from the State Scholastic, with a $200 minimum. The motion passed.

On behalf of the current State Champion, Jerome Weikel, Allen Magruder started a discussion regarding the prizes awarded to the State Champion and runner-up. It was felt that the Nevada State Championship has lost some of its prestige with small prizes. It was also felt that the qualification procedure also lacks prestige, funding and standardization. In the discussion, it was determined Nevada Chess needs to take control of the qualifiers in order to raise funds for the State Championship and to even incorporate the idea of Class Championships. The motion was made to form a subcommittee to look into improving the State Championship qualifiers. This passed.

Next Norm Harvey made the motion that the Board call another Membership meeting to amend the Bylaws by late May. Chris Bird suggested another subcommittee be formed to look at Norm’s drafts and to make any necessary changes. The proposed Bylaws will then be published in the April Bulletin and a membership meeting be scheduled for approximately 28 days after the Bulletin goes out. This passed.

Next, the ballots for Election 2003 were opened, verified, and counted. 19 Ballots were received and 18 were verified (one lacked a signature). Votes tallied were as follows, Dan Conver 14, Allen Magruder 13, Brad Zentmyer 12, Greg Niemi 6, Charles Hatherill 6. Since three take office, Magruder and Conver continue as directors. Zentmyer replaces Hatherill for 2-year term. With this, the meeting was adjourned.

At 4:30 pm, the Board of Directors, with a quorum present (excluding only Ron Gentil) met to discuss Officer placement. John Trivett proposed the following slate, Chris Bird President, Dan Conver Vice President, Brad Zentmyer Secretary and Allen Magruder Treasurer. Zentmyer refused the Secretary position so Trivett agreed to continue and the officers were officially placed unanimously. John Trivett pointed out that he actively solicited for nominations from Northern Nevada and that since none were forthcoming, one of the other ballot candidates, Niemi or Hatherill be appointed by the President until the 2004 election. Under advisement of the Board, as per the Bylaws, President Chris Bird appointed Charles Hatherill to serve the one-year term.

Annual Members Meeting – March 23, 2002

Posted in Governance on March 23rd, 2002 by Nevada Chess

Report on the Annual Members Meeting & Election 2002

The annual membership meeting was held March 23rd, 2002 at CCSN, Building D, Room 170A. First business was tallying the ballots of the 2002 Election. Results were: Chris Bird 8, John Trivett 10, Ron Gentil 10, Basil Zangrave 5, so Bird, Trivett, and Gentil are elected to two year terms (2002-2004), joining Charles Hatherill, Allen Magruder, Dan Conver, and Milivoj Filipas on the Board of Directors of Nevada Chess, Inc.

After some discussion regarding the non-profit status of Nevada Chess, Inc., Chris Bird was asked to look into the IRS requirements with the objective to file with the IRS for non-profit corporate status.

Chris suggested we might promote Nevada Chess membership by holding and advertising a Southern Nevada Championship tournament separate from one with a scholastic section, and provide a discounted entry fee to Nevada Chess members. Brad Zentmeyer suggested some number (10?, 20?) of the top finishers in the June scholastic tournament be given discounted or free entries in the Southern Nevada Championship. Chris volunteered to see whether there might be any conflicts with a Southern Nevada Championship Tourney in the July-September timeframe.

Board members need to decide in the near future assignment of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary posts.

Report by Allen Magruder