Annual Members Meeting – March 19, 2006

Posted in Governance on March 19th, 2006 by Nevada Chess

Minutes of the Annual Members Meeting, March 19th, 2006
Schoolhouse Chess Center, 3004 Rigel Ave., Las Vegas

The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm by President Charles Hatherill.
Board Directors present: Charles Hatherill, Dan Conver, Allen Magruder
Board Directors absent: Richard Risley, Edward Silakowski, Milivoj Filipas, Kime Patraw
Members present: G. Barrett, J. Trivett, C. Bird, C. McVoy, D. Maynard, C. Gauvin

Director and Secretary Richard Risley, Las Vegas resident, is recovering from recent surgery and sent his apologies. Allen Magruder volunteered to take the minutes in his place. Directors Milivoj Filipas and Kime Patraw, residents of Northern Nevada, were unable to attend this location at this time.

President Hatherill asked Treasurer Magruder for a financial report. Magruder summarized the report he gave at the last Board of Directors meeting in February. For the period from 3/5/05 through 2/3/06, beginning balance $1984.37, total inflows $1393.00, total outflows $1203.45, net total $189.55, ending balance 2/3/06 $2173.92.

Discussions, Proposals, Action Items
1. Support of Denker and Polgar Scholastic Candidates
The initial discussion centered on what was agreed upon at the last member’s meeting, and whether that was binding on the board of directors. Minutes from the last year’s meeting were not available to settle the first issue, but most present at last year’s meeting seemed to recall the support provided by Nevada Chess Inc. would be at least 50% of the proceeds given to Nevada Chess Inc. from the annual State Scholastic tournament for the Denker candidate, and $100 for the Polgar candidate. Last year’s support was supplemented by a $60 contribution from Richard Risley to $400 for the Denker candidate, Michael Patraw, and by $100 from Edward Silakowski to $200 for the Polgar candidate, Rio Patraw. This year’s State Scholastic tournament was not as well attended as last year’s event, particularly in the K-12 and K-8 sections. Hatherill proposed that this year our affiliate allocate $300 for the Denker candidate and $100 for the Polgar candidate. This was seconded by Magruder and approved by all present.

After some discussion, it was generally agreed that the organizer of the State Scholastic tournament has the responsibility to advertise and arrange to satisfy the requirements for these awards, consistent with the requirements of the Denker and Polgar tournament sponsors. John Trivett proposed that the Polgar candidate be the top girl finisher in the K-12 section of the State Scholastic tournament. This was seconded by Chad Gauvin and passed, with 7 for and 2 against.

There was a difference of opinion on whether member’s meeting decisions were binding on the board of directors until the next annual member’s meeting, according to the By-Laws of Nevada Chess Inc. This was not determined, though it seemed generally agreed that unless proposed and approved in the member’s meeting, other issues may be decided by the board of directors, e.g. determine the Denker (but not the Polgar) alternate candidate if the prime candidate is unable or unwilling to attend those tournaments.

2. Other Scholastic Support
In order to distribute a larger portion of the proceeds from the State Scholastic tournament given to Nevada Chess Inc. to the elementary school players, after some discussion Magruder proposed that Nevada Chess Inc. pay or arrange to pay the entry fees to a local major chess tournament, up to $100 each, for the top player in each of the K-3, K-5 and K-8 sections which have more than 50 players in the section. This was seconded by Trivett and passed with 8 for and 1 abstain. The “local major” tournaments mentioned were the National Open held annually in Las Vegas, and the Reno Open and Far West Open, held annually in Northern Nevada.

During this discussion, Charles Hatherill called Alan Losoff, organizer of the National Open to be held this June, and secured 3 free entries for this year’s K-3, K-5 and K-8 winners of our State Scholastic tournament.

3. Nevada Chess Bulletin/Newsletter
Charles Hatherill volunteered to be temporary editor of the bulletin and committed to assembling the next issue for distribution by mid-April. John Trivett volunteered to continue contributing articles for the next and succeeding issues. Dewey Maynard volunteered to arrange for printing the issue. Allen Magruder volunteered to preview the issue for content before printing, and for providing mailing labels and postage from Nevada Chess Inc. funds, and for delivery of issues to post office if necessary. Contributions from others, particularly over the internet, are encouraged.

4. Election Results
John Trivett, Election Chairman, was assisted by Gordon Barrett in tabulating the results of the 2006 Nevada Chess Inc. election. There were only two candidates for the three open seats on the Board of Directors, Charles Hatherill and Milivoj Filipas. Seven ballots were returned of the 20 sent out, with the following result:

Milivoj Filipas 7 affirmed 0 not affirmed 0 no opinion
Charles Hatherill 5 affirmed 2 not affirmed 0 no opinion

After some discussion, Dewey Maynard volunteered to fill the 3rd open seat on the board and was approved by current board members, Hatherill, Conver and Magruder for a one year term, effective until the 2007 election, in accordance with the By-Laws on Nevada Chess Inc.

5. 2007 State Scholastic Tournament
Charles Hatherill reported that Kime Patraw, who has relocated to Northern Nevada from Las Vegas, cannot be prepared to organize the Nevada State Scholastic Tournament until possibly year 2008. Chad Gauvin, representing the Schoolhouse Chess Center in Las Vegas, said he would like to work with Charles Hatherill arranging the 2007 tournament at Palo Verde HS or another venue secured by the Schoolhouse Chess Center (pending approval of the Board of Directors). Hatherill agreed. Gauvin could possibly arrange a site for as many as 400 players and for extensive advertising of the event at the many schools currently served by the Schoolhouse Chess Center.

6. Board of Directors Officers
The Board of Directors and their term expiration for 2006-2007 are:
Daniel Conver (2007)
Milivoj Filipas (2008)
Charles Hatherill (2008)
Allen Magruder (2007)
Dewey Maynard (2007)
Richard Risley (2007)
Edward Silakowski (2007)

Magruder suggested the board meet before the end of March to decide who will serve until the next election as president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. He will try to arrange that meeting by internet and mail.

7. Meeting Adjourned 6:00 pm
(Please note that these minutes are the unapproved minutes from the meeting. If you think there are any errors that need correcting, please email them to Allen Magruder as soon as possible.)

Annual Members Meeting – March 24, 2001

Posted in Governance on March 24th, 2001 by Nevada Chess

Report on the Annual Members Meeting & Election 2001

On March 24, 2001, the annual members meeting of Nevada Chess, Inc. convened at 3:30 PM, and was chaired by Allen Magruder with John Trivett taking notes. The first order of business was determining the result of the election of board Members. Milivoj Filipas, Charles Hatherill, and Allen Magruder were elected to office with unanimous votes, which were counted in front of those in attendance. The new board members take office at the end of this Members meeting. The Chairman of the Election Committee extended the deadline by a few days in order to retrieve undelivered ballots known to have been mailed several days previously. With this election, Jerry Weikel and Norm Harvey leave office, and we thank them for their service.

Next, the bulletin was discussed and it was suggested that the page count be increased and paper quality be upgraded. A dues increase of $2.00 (to $12.00 a year) would pay for the postage increase. Another question raised was the financial justification for the October bulletin mailing to all USCF members in the state, since the SASP funds are now gone, and consequently financing this mailing is a significant burden on the annual budget. The possibility of two issues, a normal one for members and an abbreviated one for the rest, was discussed. The October issue is important for soliciting new members and nominations to serve on the board. The income statement was produced and discussed. Balancing the budget with reduced revenue was discussed, for the principal expense items of the bulletin, the Denker candidate stipend, and the state championship prize fund.

Report by
John Trivett
Election Chairman

Election 2001 – final tally:

Mike Filipas 7-0-1
Charles Hatherill 7-0-1
Allen Magruder 8-0-0

The new directors (2 year term) are Allen P. Magruder, Milivoj Filipas, and Charles Hatherill. They join the four approved in the year 2000 election (1 year left in term): John Trivett, Dan Conver, Ron Gentil and Regina Straver.